WARNING: In this entry there is a brief mention of some stuff related to womanly things that occur appx. once a month. If you are uncomfortable with the fact that I am a woman and therefore the forces of nature converge upon my uterus once a month, feel free to skip that part. I promise I don't actually talk about the event, just something related to it.
Today has been a great day, and as usual it has mostly to do with my mail. Here's what I got:
-a dance magazine
-a magnificent Valentine's Day card from my dear
trippypeas-a couple pieces of junk mail (ignore those)
-a package containing the set of cloth pads I ordered off Etsy! *THIS IS THE WOMANLY PART IN CASE THAT WASN'T OBVIOUS*. They are eco-friendly and soft and extremely comfortable and are in a variety of adorable and colorful patterns, and I can't imagine why, if given the choice, anyone would choose to have anything else chillin' next to their lady parts for a week. Also, the Etsy seller repurposed the box from some Jimmy Dean sausage patties, and at first I thought someone actually had sent me Jimmy Dean sausage patties in the mail. I was like "wow, this has got to be the weirdest Valentine's Day gift I've ever gotten", and then I saw the name of the Etsy seller on the side of the package and was like "oooooooh". :-P
Noah came to visit me for this past weekend, and these days I get more and more glum and emotional when he has to leave. It's weird, because on facebook everyone was talking about their significant others and how long they've been together, and I was looking at all these couples who I feel like they've been together forever and realizing that Noah and I have been together even longer than any of them! In a way it doesn't feel like we've been together that long, but in another crazy way it just kind of feels like he's always been here, and for some reason those two thoughts don't create any kind of cognitive dissonance for me. I don't know how to explain it, so I won't try. Long-distance is hard, but we always say "we're one day closer to being together forever than we were yesterday". Even though we don't actually know when we're going to be together forever, we do know that we're one day closer to it than we were yesterday. It's comforting if you don't think too much about it.
I don't know if it's the weather or what, but today I'm really excited about getting to know people and making new friends. I'm excited to go to class today so I can bond with my classmates, some of whom I feel are starting to become friends. It's nice to be social, instead of lonely. I also have my mom coming down to pick up my tax stuff at the end of this week, and my mentor coming to visit over the weekend, and several exciting visits planned over the next couple months. I'm trying to be more proactive about spending time with people and making connections, and right now it feels like it's working. \o/