
Feb 16, 2006 16:22

i just got a second job. after a month and a half of a waiting i get a call for orientation at this restaurant in reading. i don't know how the hell i'm gonna pull off working 2 jobs and go to school fulltime. i don't even know if i'm waitressing or bartending, i'd much prefer to bartend.

figures, i get the job that i was trying to get after my work chills out and i start making more money. i work 5 shifts a week already and make $300-$400 a week. the place i just got hired at does more business, though, therefore making it much more of a preferable place of employment.

well, this will be a very soon goodbye to my social life. i'll probably be working everyday on top of going to school and all of my school work. if i pull it off i'll have so much money though. especially since i still have to do my tax returns and i'll be getting my disbursed school loan which will be around $1300 this month and another $1000 in the next 2 months. i'm definitly going somewhere sweet this summer for a vacation. oh and i'm gonna start putting money away to build interest so when i'm done with school paying the loan back won't be such a huge problem.

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