Jul 20, 2006 10:48
So i'm in chicago and i've been stayin at my sister n brothers house. It's been nice-just catchin up w/them and stuff. I saw the movie You me and Dupree...it was pretty good. I've been eating a lot of chicago food which is good food but not always good for you. There are certain things that i miss about here but i dont know if i could ever move back here. It's a good place to vaction. Being with my family for the past 5 or so days has made me realize that my family really is crazy. Becky is the only one who would really kno that b/c she has met alot of them. Actually Allison would also know how they are too. When we are all together it just makes me laugh hearin things that come out of ppls mouths. It's a loud family too-so that makes it double but i love it and wouldnt have them any other way.
on another note...I got a B in my chemistry class which is exciting. And i found out that we can move into the dorm Aug 17th. I have to be there the 16th to go to work which is the first day of school for the kids. So i dont kno how i am going to work that out. I can bring most the stuff i can fit in the car then have beckys ma bring it down w/her. I'm excited.
Ian's bday is this saturday and he said that he is goin to wait till we are all back and have a party w/his friends and decided it will be held in the dorm...sure ian no problem(becky hope u dont mind lol) If not in ours then in Adams/Chris's...I just can't wait till we are all back together again. Less then a month now! well this is long enough...till next time!