gunthar's now in a decent hospital. One where I actually have faith in the doctors and their ability to treat a patient.
He's hopped up on a morphine drip right now. He had some pain when I left, but the doctor was in the room and actually upped his dosage.
I really like Fairview-University. Yes, you have to watch out for yourself, as with any care facility, but they actually seem to know what they're doing, and are willing to listen to people and base their directions on what you need.
I'm not sure how long he'll be there. Right now, they're just treating his pain. I think we'll see tomorrow when the stint will come out. The latest CAT scan didn't show any stones, so I'm thinking he's probably passed them by this point. If that's the case, hopefully he'll start improving soon.
I'm still not happy that I had to leave him there tonight, and all day tomorrow while I'm at work, but at least I know he's better now.
I didn't get tucked in, or my good-night kiss, or nothin! So not good. Miss my Pook.