Shotgun Update

Oct 28, 2008 20:10

Hiya. Lazier than usual, so here's recent history and points of interest in scatter points:

* Saw the doctor today to get my tongue checked out (the area that had a spot of cancer a year and a half ago). I am cancer free!
* Gotta put in more hours with PFLAG to finish my Internship.
* Kicking around Autumn leaves is one of my favorite things. They smell awesome!
* We're not planning to go to OmegaCon this year, so we're gonna hang out with MLE292.
* Friday the 7th is gunthar's birthday, I gotta figure out what kind of cake to make.
* Occasionally these days, I wish I had started a different Thesis topic. Now that I'm working on it again, my brain wants me to work on a Journalism theme instead of Safety Documentation.
* Gunthar nearly won a game of Scrabble against me last night. Good boy! (That's nearly, of course!)
* I need a job. Anybody know of a morning part-time shift? I"m going to apply with Goodwill again.
* Got a full weekend. Thursday: Hitchcock Night at the Arkham Asylum; Friday: Halloween!; Saturday: Greek Orthodox Halloween at realsarah and geohard's place; Sunday: ConCom. I plan to try to fit in some cookie baking somewhere, otherwise, if I don't bring some, it's just not the same.
* Still married to a lovely man who loves me immensely.
* I'm trying to figure out a way to schedule Thanksgiving and Christmas with two families who both want us with them for the holidays. One's in Zumbrota. The other's in Mankato. That puts us in the car driving from one to the other.
* I have a huge bag of Jelly Bellies sitting beside me. My favorite flavor is Buttered Popcorn, second is Licorice.
* A city bus tore off the driver's side mirror last week.
* Changed my mind: my second favorite is Juicy Pear, but Licorice is still up there.
* I'm reading Staying Dead, by Laura Anne Gilman. I'm really liking it, and it's a suggestion from What Should I Read Next?. I've just started with the Web site. You add what you've read and loved, and get a look at what you've missed. I've missed a lot, but since I grew up a Catholic-schooled daughter of a paranoid man, it's not surprising.
* Sharing a cheeseburger of Kobe beef, Tillemook Cheddar, and thick-sliced bacon and homemade French fries with your Pook is a beautiful thing.
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