May 23, 2008 09:50
God, I hate phone interviews. Waiting for one is worse.
I'll be talking to the Director of Public Innovators in Cambridge about an internship that would involve brain-stretching and sounds like I'd be working through e-mail and telephone.
The whole thing feels slightly eek to me.
At this point, I'm leaning toward the Pro-Choice interview I did yesterday.
Ack, it's time!
I ended up figuring out that this internship is not what I'm looking for and ended the interview early. I think putting a lot of energy into a possibility that holds no interest for me is an exercise in futility.
Know what I really want in an internship? Directly working on different communication media, hard copy and the net. Brainstorming with coworkers to refine ideas on what and how to publish, what form it should take, and determining the resources we have to work with and working within that or expanding those resources. Developing a house style.
A general question I always get is what I see myself doing in 5 years. I always say Editor, which usually involves being a Project Manager. I knew I wanted to be an Editor when I started at MSU. I quit Accounting after two years at VoTech, since I didn't like the idea of working on balance sheets 24/7, but I do like them as an aspect of what I do. I like writing, but I adore changing text or formatting or fonts or imagery or the paper it's written on or the background color or . . .
You see what I mean? It's probably not a good idea for a person who loves to direct the format of everything to be at the end of the process.
I had to stop reading the Mankato Free Press. In one short column, one spelling error, one grammatical error and two errors of fact, one from dropping the essential word not. It was nearly physically painful. And that's why I need to not be just a Proofreader anymore: no power to change. Unfortunately, the Proofreader is always seen as the janitorial staff. Any suggestion of change always means additional work for someone, and that's not going to endear you to the person who has to go back and change what they've already done. Red ink will never be a lovely sight, even if you agree with the change. The Proofreader always have to ask permission to change anything, collecting and presenting proof, evidence, reasoning for change, and by the time I see the document, all the elements of the document are done. All I do is make sure what I've got is a perfect example of the publication they had in mind. I want to be there to build it, instead of being called in to find the problems, with no power to fix it.
Yes, I love being a Page Mechanic, but I want to be a Page Architect. You can never be an Editor and not be anal retentive and a control freak.
I'm okay with that.
think tank,