30 Day Challenge: Day 3

Jul 03, 2012 21:32

Views on a political topic.

Hm.. there are so many views I'd like to speak out about, but I only have enough energy at this point to crank out one small entry plus this one. I think I'll pick something more taboo... Ehem....

YAY!  (just kidding... that's not something to celebrate)

For some time now, people around the world must face a difficult decision when unexpectedly becoming pregnant. I feel like I respect women who consider abortion as an option. While I don't like the idea of killing off tadpole human beings, I do think that at that stage in life, they don't have brain functioning yet either.  Until they do, it's a "growth." Women get pregnant from failure to use contraceptives, mishap with contraceptives, or becoming raped, etc. If a woman cannot care for the medical costs of a pregnancy, what chance is there for her to care for the baby post-pregnancy? People will argue and fight with me on my standpoint, but until it can think for itself, it is not a human being. Therefore, if a woman must choose between adoption or abortion, then she must go through counseling, which should be free to anyone.  This will allow her to think about the results of carrying the pregnancy through or terminating it.  Either way, the choice will understandably cause some sadness, but I think that she should be able to freely weigh out her options to decide if she is strong enough to follow through with the adoption.  I know I'd grow attached to it, and I'd want to keep it, even if I couldn't provide it a good life, but if it meant making a couple happy that ARE prepared, then I'd consider it. At the same time, by terminating it, you're denying someone else the right to be a parent.  If I were to unexpectedly become pregnant and knew I couldn't care for a child, I would elect for an open adoption myself.   I don't think I could go through terminating it. But I don't think that states should have the right to deny a woman this choice. If a woman can't mentally handle the pregnancy and wants an abortion, then that is her right to chose.  No one should be able to control what comes through her uterus or not. 
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