FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE DISCUSSION under the cut. Enter at your own risk...
so a couple of months ago i started spotting right before my period and the blood was bright. after testing, etc it turns out i have polyps and a couple of 2cm fibroids (nothing cancerous thank god). so wednesday i'm have a d & c (where they scrape out the walls of the uterus
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Here's what I can share: Last year at my annual the dr told me my uterus was larger than it should be- he said either 8 or 12 wk size I can't remember which. He said I had some fibroids in there, just by feeling he could tell. He said they were mobile, which was good b/c that meant they weren't attached to anything. He said that at my age ( I was 36 last year) I would probably be ok b/c I'm nearing menopause so my hormone levels would prevent them from getting any bigger. He warned that at my age my periods may start to get heavier, not really b/c of the fibroids but b/c of the gradual change in hormone levels as I approach menopause.
Fast forward to fall when I told you I was feeling tingly and weak and went to the ER. They were not so concerned abt the tingly but the weak. Turned out I had hypothyroidism (not related to this conversation but) and the weakness was also brought on b/c my periods were very VERY heavy. They put me on birth control pills and the periods have gotten lighter. Point is- when the dr put me on the pill, she said the thing about the pill is that it tends to shrink the fibroids. Fast forward to a few wks ago when I went to my annual once again. The dr said my uterus hadn't gotten any bigger and might even be normal size.
Alright so maybe this doesn't answer any questions but about fibroids, I was told I had them last year. I had never felt any discomfort, I didn't have any bleeding or spotting, nothing unusual at all. I was thoroughly surprised when the dr told me they were there. He said not to worry abt them unless they begin to bother me. My mother has fibroids too. And when her dr told her she had them, she said she had them as well. (the dr) So apparently they're very common.
I'm going to keep reading this thread to learn more from anyone else who posts.
Good luck on Wednesday! Please keep us informed!
i can definitely see ecce having that experience, lol. too funny!
thanks for the info about the pill, i'll ask about that. that's exactly the sort of thing i was looking for with my post... a new avenue to explore.
so was the tingliness due to the hypothyroidism? it's funny how often the thing we worry about most is what they worry about least. either way, i'm glad they figured out what was wrong. it takes them forever sometimes.
thanks again. *hugs*
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