Feb 20, 2006 20:52

ok so i went skiing today.  i've never gone skiing before.  have i mentioned that i'm uncoordinated, inflexible and klutzy?  yeah, so it wasn't the best experience for me.  but anyway, after the lessons and trying a few more times i went into the bar and sat for hours till jim and the kids were done.  i actually had a good time.  first of all, that first beer was the best fucken beer i've ever had in my entire life, secondly i had 7 more after that, some french fries and then dinner when everyone got back.   no, i've never had that many beers in a row (MGD plus one Guiness for whoever's interested).  basically, i had a blast.  :D  i got to people watch.  that's a lot of fun, specially when there are dumbass dorky guys (older unfortunately) next to me talking shit nonstop.  then there was the quite dark-skinned kind of polynesian lookin' dude who kept looking my way.  that was mighty nice.  about the time the old guy with the rug next to me looked like he was gonna say something, jim and the kids finally showed up for dinner.  all in all it was a good time.  surprised the hell outta me.

if i find ski boots that fit better i'll give it another try, othewise the bar will be the place for me.  *wink wink nudge nudge*
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