Had a great Memorial Day weekend with
justl (Mickey) and Niennacomforter from VFB! We went to a beautiful garden, The Field Museum and saw Kingdom of Heaven. We laughed our asses off watching The Crew and relived lots of happy memories with the FOTR EE. NC left Monday morning and in the afternoon Mickey and I went in search of a bead store. We finally found one here:
http://www.longgroveonline.com/ as all the rest were either closed on Mondays or closed on Memorial Day. It was fun though, and Long Grove is beautiful!
The following week hubby was in Denver. With some friends, we spent all day Monday at the Lincoln Park Zoo, Garfield Conservatory and Navy Pier (all on the Chicago lakefront). I think I'm still recovering, but we had a great time. The Women's Club luncheon was that Wednesday (I'm 2nd VP for next year which means I plan all the programs), then my friend took all my kids Thursday night and again on Friday. She's a wonder! I actually got the house quite clean for hubby's return and felt very accomplished, lol.
My depression has been coming back over the last couple of months but this week it set back in with a vengeance. Luckily
knaustin gave me the kick in the ass I needed to call the shrink and make an appointment. **hugs**
Thursday is my oldest's 11th birthday. My baby is growing up!
We'll be spending more time in Wisconsin soon and I think that will be good for me. We'll see.