Portrait of a Rusnak

Jun 06, 2007 18:34

I once drew my husband as a cartoon, the way he looks in my mind all the time. Remember this?

Ringin' any bells?...

Yes, that's a half a watermelon.

This is, I believe, an accurate cross-section of the various entertainment tastes of Justin Rusnak. Just to give you a better idea of who I'm married to.

Five books I see him read repeatedly
+ The Curse of Rocky Colavito, by Terry Pluto
+ Blossoms in the Wind: Human Legacies of the Kamikaze, by M.G. Sheftall
+ Iron Coffins: A Personal Account of the German U-Boat Battles of World War II, by Herbert A. Werner
+ If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor, by Bruce Campbell
+ The Best of Hal Lebowitz: Great Sportswriting from Six Decades in Cleveland

Five artists he can't get enough of
+ Dave Matthews Band
+ Eels
+ Modest Mouse
+ The Black Keys
+ Sigur Ros

Five flicks he could watch over and over
+ Das Boot
+ Army Of Darkness
+ Master and Commander
+ Unforgiven
+ V For Vendetta

Five shows he's sentimentally attached to
+ The Simpsons
+ Mystery Science Theater 3000
+ Firefly
+ M*A*S*H
+ Star Trek

Five things he really digs
+ baseball
+ archery
+ military history (especially Chinese and Japanese)
+ westerns
+ photography

Five random facts about J
+ He gets excited about opening baseball cards.
+ He likes to learn about the brewing processes of whatever he's drinking.
+ He's goofy for pad thai noodles.
+ He doesn't laugh really hard. Often, but not hard.
+ I think he actually likes shopping. Likes to take his time.

photos, justin, drawings

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