Grab bag: collab edition

Apr 07, 2007 14:38

My friend Tomoko was hanging out with this guy who was apparently trying to make moves on her, which she deflected with her usual style. To get back at him, she stole this board and a bunch of his expensive Japanese paint markers and went to town. :) Now that's enterprising.

She passed the board onto me to work on, and I'm going to pass it back to her. The mural so far:

I love her details. I totally stole her little shell swirl pattern for my pink wave drawing.

Fawn is her graffiti nom-de-plume. She has many names, like me, actually; Elizabeth is her first name, her family calls her Jamie, she's Tomoko at work and Fawn in her art. :) We're kin.

Popcorn! And underpants! Hooray!

Can anybody read the Korean? :)

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Tomoko gave me one of her paintings! I can't get over it, it's so cool.

For Jen Chadd. Something's seriously missing here. Any suggestions, in keeping with a black-and-red theme?

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I usually don't keep the jewelry I make, but I wanted these two. I made matching nest necklaces for me, Kit, Tomoko and Nussie at work. They're easy to make and they're adorable. The bracelet's a little dressy for me, but I love the color.

In otha news...

01. A girl named Biba from Brazil wrote to tell me she's getting my octopus drawing tattooed all down her arm. And I'm like... woah. That's pretty hardcore. And awesome.

02. I had a crabulous 24-hour cold. Incredible. Appeared out of thin air after work, escalated in crappiness until I fell asleep, gone when I woke up. Vive le chickie soup!

03. SO MUCH TREK. Hours upon hours of Brent Spiner effortlessly hamming it up in kabuki pancake makeup. Why can't all of life's great pleasures be this accessible? (Also: so much fun, spotting the plotlines parodied on Futurama. "Like putting too much air into a balloon!")

04. God DAMN, the weather is beautiful today! Overcast, breezy and warm. The plumeria's blooming again and it feels just like early summer in Ohio. I don't usually pity you suckers in the snow belt, but today, you can keep it. :)

05. OH HAY. It's Ella's birthday! :D Thought you could sneak past without incident, ay? Get crunk for your island bitches, Alley. ♥

photos, art, friends, drawings

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