Jun 27, 2024 17:55
I mean you can't just "online" that self-honesty shit, can you? People aren't really ready for it, and such. This site is THE ONLY site I can peacefully speak my mind, and yet still...not a lot of interaction and liveliness. Part of me appreciates that very much, and part of me wonders if "this thing is on"? LOL The toxicity that facebook has become, and the people who know they're there for a reason, such as, they can't "make it" elsewhere, is really just a foolish place, of shenanigans and fuckery. People can't take it, nor leave well enough alone, if you say something truthful, realistic, and intelligent. I'm sorry, I THOUGHT understanding reality was "a thing", and that it wasn't actually a welcome ground to be assaulted for the rest of your day. I suppose old Zuck & his Zuckland has made his billion, and is content to let it be "The Enquirer" of the internet gossip mongers. SMH. Come to think of it, I remember being disappointed when I first started Facebook, as "My Space" was truly more creative. You could customize your "space" and people would see it. I guess I'm "that" nerd. I'll be okay, but I'm pretty sure my original My Space account is gone, and likely they do things differently, now.