Hm... last time I used a cut, I don't think anyone noticed that I'd posted... but then again, there are lots of pics, so I will.
This morning I've been researching vintage cocktails. Dammit, I now want some of these fabulous posters from (
bottoms up! )
You've inspired me.
I'm still carrying on though.
So there are people like:
Potato-Head Joe
Crazy Diana Who Eats In The Bathroom
Crazy Bitch Diana
Midgets on Fire Dan
Ninja Angst Dan
Then there are the basic generic names
Hot Sword Fighting Man
The Hot Man
Hot Persian Guy
Guy In The Purple Cloak
Black Gangster Dude with One Arm
That Guy Who Dresses Like Santa
The Chick With The Cat Ears
Coffee Lesbian
etc etc etc
If there is a crazy person... they will walk up to me and try to start a conversation... not with anyone else around.. just me.
In highschool I had 1/2 year of choir, in my class was this weird guy who was boarderline retarded.. and he was CRAZY and very creepy. 5 years after highschool, I am hanging out with my friend. My friend WORKED with this guy for 40 hrs/wk for 2 years.
When we see this guy on the street and he sees us.. who does he immediately try to talk to? The girl who he had a class with 5 years ago or a girl he worked with for 2 years?
That is my life.
Plus we DO have many strange and uh.. "independant" spirits this side of the pond.
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