Dancing with the Stars week 2/3? Latin Night

Oct 09, 2009 21:00

Dancing with the Stars! Yay.

I'm reeeeeally tired though, I could do with going to bed, and I have to get up and go to Wales tomorrow. Oh well. DANCING WITH THE STARS, YAY!!  Their nights are much longer than ours and they're having TWO per week.

Will anything ever be as good as Aaron Carter's quickstep last week? I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT!

Look; the perfect dance of perfect MUPPET PERFECTION.

Seriously, watch it now, it's awesome.  Skip to 1 minute 25 if you don't want to see the training. BUT PLEASE DO WATCH IT!

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Mark the Kung Fu Guy and Lacey, rumba. Gosh, that was a bit steamy compared to the UK ones! Gosh. Not my thing, but I think he was ok at it. My score: 6.  Judges: 6/6/6

The Swimsuit Model & DEREK!, samba. OMG he swung in on a rope!  The day when Ian Waite does that, I will fall over and die in shock. And this is fun, and she's very wiggly. I like it. My score: 8, but 3 of those points are for the rope and for Derek's trousers.  Judges: 7/8/8

Mya and Dimitri, rum ba ba. Urgh, this is everything I hate about the rumba, "romance" and knickers and bits of drapy sheets and "sexy" bits. I don't like it, but she's very good technically I suppose. My score:7 Judges: 10/7/10 (wtf, that's a bit of a difference!)

Sabrina the Teenage Witch Melissa & Mark & Action!Dress, samba. She looks like a car wash. She's better than she was last time and the time before, but it's hardly setting the world aflame. My score: 5. Judges: 6/6/7

Louie the Surfer Dude & Chelsie, rumba.  HE IS SO CUUUUTE. Well, usually. He doesn't look cute tonight - OH MY GOODNESS. Hm though, most of the focus there seemed to be on her. The bits he did, he did really well, but I can see what they were saying last week about her not giving him enough to do. But I really liked the dance, and I don't normally like rumbas. My score: 8. Judges: 8/5/7  (Gosh Len is in a bad mood tonight!)

Debi & Maks, samba. Oh dear, the weird faffy bit with the flowers and the strip at the start was... weird. And this has to be the SLOWEST samba ever. It's slower than that last rumba! She looks so bored and asleep. Even Maks having his chest out doesn't redeem it. Hate it. My score: 3. Judges:  6/5/6  Len just recycled another comment that he used on Strictly last week too. He does that a lot.

Donny & Kym, rumba. She has given him Stuff to Do By Himself, which he does well, so yay them. Donny Osmond's hips gyrating wasn't something I really needed to see, but he was good, technically. I don't think it seemed very realistically romantic though. My score: 7. LOL HAHAHA @ Donny & Bruno. LOL. I love them. Judges: 7/7/7

Michael Irvin & Anna, samba. Colin says that Michael Irvin is Not Very Nice in (American) football. He watches a lot of it.  I don't like how he calls Anna 'Ahrna'.  He is a bit heavy and not moving very much in this. A bit dull. My score: 5. Judges: 5/4/5

Natalie the Swimmer & Alec, rumba. The way she talks? Annoys me? She's kind of squeaky? Which makes her sound like fourteen?  OH NOES, more see through sheets and knickers. She is much better than last week though, and she does look slinky. My score: 7. Judges: 9/8/9

Chuck & Anna, samba. ZOMG sleeeeves!  They are even better than Julian Clary's. There's something quite endearing and watchable about him. And despite him being a great big muscly tattooed scary man, he's quite nifty on his feet. I enjoyed it. My score: 6. Judges: 6/5/6

Aaron & Karina, rumba. LOL @ his dressing gown. Ooh, she was clearly leading him through the turns there. He is very wiggly on the solo bits though and has lovely lines. Very smooth, nice. My score: 7. Judges: 8/6/7

Icky Weird Tom DeLay & Cheryl, samba. He is also a FOOL to choose to dance with two broken feet and doctors' orders not to dance. It's not like he's going to be any good, even without an injury. I'd take the opportunity to get the hell out. A political samba? Gosh. He is dreadful though. And he is visibly COUNTING out loud. My score: 2 (and both of those are for dancing with broken bones). Judges: 6/4/5

Kelly & Louis, samba. Nice! Although possibly not the bacofoil outfits. My score: 7. Judges: 7/6/7

Aaand there we go. I would like Tom to go PLEASE. Or Debi. OR BOTH.

Queen Latifah thingy - song was meh, but I LOVED the pro dance with Maks and Cheryl.

PHEW Tom dropped out, yay.

WTF @ the dancing mime clowns? I'm going to nip upstairs and pack my bag for tomorrow.

That was the right result I think. And now I am OFF TO BED.

dancing with the stars

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