Jun 25, 2006 17:01
Do you ever wonder how long in your life you will continue to revert back to that state in which you were once a naive child who thought nothing but goodness out of the world. Or the child who hid when her parents started yelling. Or the child who believed everything her parents told her... how far can you get in life without eventually end up in that same place? It seems that no matter what you do or how much you grow, there will still be those moments when you feel like a child again. I mean, really, is that all there is? What's the point in growing up and become stronger and your own independant person if you still face your fears like a child? What is it about someone that puts fear into you, that makes you feel small, that makes you forget who you are? Why is that weakness always there no matter what you do to prepare yourself? And of course, I'm just speaking in general. It's just interesting to me how easily things can get broken down that have taken you years to build up. Just like this airport terminal they are building in Sacramento right now. It's taken years to develop jus tthe idea and then at least a decade for it to be built and able to be used. Now, say a natural disaster of some kind were to hit (although not very likely, just like one thinks it's not very likely that they will crumble so easily) and all that work is gone in a moment. That's it, just like that. And for what? It's all just gone and chances are that you are left with a bigger mess than you ever had to begin with. It's just interesting how things happen...