fic: You and Me Brother, We're Stuck Like Glue

Apr 26, 2017 14:37

Supernatural, gen (Although the end can be read as gen or pre-slash, depending on how much you want to read into it ( Read more... )

hey i finally finished something, sick dean, spn

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tarotgal April 30 2017, 04:50:48 UTC
D'awwwwwwwwwwwwww! This was so delightful. It was exactly what I'd hoped for when I thought of the prompt.

I love the range of emotions here as they go from a typical evening with Dean needing some post-hunt relief even though he's sick to completely frustrated at their situation and annoyed at each other to this unavoidable intimacy and caring. Awwwww!

This was going to get old really fast.
No, no it's not. *EG*

The position made perfect sense to me, as did the reason they were forced together physically. I love that they made it work, even though things like changing into warm clothes was impossible. And of course I loved that there was absolutely no physical way for them to not cuddle while lying down. YES!

Get your goddamn hair out of my face while you're at it."
At this point, I HOPED that at some point Sam's long hair was going to brush against Dean's sensitive nose and make him sneeze and I was NOT disappointed when it happened. Yum!

Love that Sam notices Dean's out of tissues and grabs the toilet paper when he's not looking, and that they work together to get something Dean can use to keep his nose somewhat in check.

So lovely that, by the end, Sam is resigned to being sneezed on though Dean's still apologetic. Awwwwwww! The two of them together here (so close together here!) priceless


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