Haha - we are in canada and you're not!
This is the start of something very beautiful. This little web journal will detail the exploits of Mr Chris Semple Esquire and Capt James 'T' Kirkpatrick on our travels across this vast beautiful land mass (second largest country in the world with 6 time zones). As this is a shared web journal the 2 authors will indicate their input through the following syntax
very much like a play manuscript
It will also contain the mishaps/misdemenours that we each experience and hence some vicious slaggings may occur
It may also be noted that if you wish to join us on our journey, you are very welcome and flights are cheap so no excuses!
And so we begin............
On our way back to my /uncle's house, James jumpt off the bus about 6 stops too early,but we got some photos of the parkway at night.
Jenny gave me a message to pass on to James- for him to stop me doing anything stupid, but it's too late- we both went for a run this morning!