Apr 30, 2008 16:14
Everyone knows that Livejournal is for complaining, so.. today has been possibly the worst day ever.
To start off with, I'm very sore in both arms from getting college vaccinations for Hep. B and something else, in the muscle. Oww. Anyways.
I get to school and have an AP Biology test to take that completely forgot about. Was hard.
There was a drug guy, though, who talked a lot about being addicted to cocaine and I don't know if anyone else knows about the "twelve steps" where you have to accept Jesus. But there were a lot of subliminal messages. Also he owned pet shops where he sold cocaine and sometimes traded dogs, cats, lizards, etc for cocaine. Now that is funny.
So I tried to burn a CD with all of my art that I have spent about 23634683457 years cropping and color correcting on photoshop for the last two weeks. It won't BURN. Of course it won't fucking burn, what was I thinking? There is never a simple solution to anything involving school computers and valuable files.
SO I have to find a way to send the files to myself at home, which is near impossible seeing as the school has email firewall'd. I get them sent to myself in the knick of time, and I rush home because I have an eye doctor appointment at 3. Today is the last day to drop off the photos to get the slides on time (this will end up costing me 80 bucks at least, and if I don't do it, it's a 0 for a test grade. THAT is fair...) Okay, I get home, get on the computer in my mom's office, download all of the huge ass files from my email and put in a CD. It's only until after I wait for 10 goddamn minutes for the CD to finish burning when I realize HEY THE COMPUTER SHOULDN'T BE MAKING THAT NOISE. About then I also realized that the CD burner was ruined when my mom spilled vodka all over her PC. -__-
So! By now it's 10 minutes til my appointment, and I rush onto my computer, which has a working burner, but once I spend all of those 10 minutes burning the CD, the photos will not stop trying to open in iTunes. !??!!?!@1@#$@#%!#@$% WHAT?!
I give up on any hope of being able to drop off my photos on time and decide to at least get to my appointment even if I am 10 minutes late. I get in the car, realize that my gas is BELOW empty which is always a chilling realization. Regardless I speed off and try to go down MY street, but no, the Blessed Sacrament people have decided that traffic isn't allowed on the street where people live. The bitch directing the school kids motions for me to "Go around to the next block!!!!" Well, fuck you. I circle my own goddamn block and get onto waters, speed to the Memorial Clinic and get in there when they tell me that since I'm about 20 minutes behind that I'm now behind 6 people and if I want to wait for 4 hours, then I should stay. If not, that they can reschedule me. Lucky me, I get the satisfaction of wearing the wrong prescription glasses for another week, while they still refuse to give me contacts, even though they fucked up my appointment reminder. It's the eye doctor's fault because they send out automatic reminders when you need to get a new prescription, and mine was put into the computer as... drumroll please... August 2048. Yes, 2048. "Due to a clerical error".
I am going to go crawl under a rock and die now.