Happy Birthday, MyWitch!

Jan 15, 2022 02:22

Happy birthday, MyWitch. I hope your day is just as marvellous as you deserve, hun. ❤️🎉🥳

Suggestions on how best to remedy the situation if not... 😘( Read more... )

fandom, recipe, snape, did a thing!, mywitch, happy birthday

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Comments 2

grooot January 15 2022, 15:16:52 UTC

This is awesome!!


mywitch January 16 2022, 01:55:19 UTC
What a wonderfully extravagant gift! I was thrilled to bits to see a snarky aren't-birthdays-the-bloody-best letter from our dear professor and then even more thrilled with his fire safety tips (as we all know I have no sense and would have driven him mad in potions class with my carelessness, he'd never scold Neville again, haha) and OMG THE RECIPE! I actually have all the ingredients now and I am really keen to get a batch going! Thank you Ginger, this is so thoughtful and I love it so much. You're a gem, you are! AND THAT FONT IS PERFECTION!!!!! Thank you sooo much for thinking of me. ❤️


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