Happy Birthday, snapecentric1!

Jan 02, 2022 00:24

In honour of the day, Snape has brewed you something, snapecentric1. (Although I'm not sure you're supposed to drink it, so I'd hold off until he provides more details... He was in a bit of a mood. As near as I could tell, he was muttering something about guests overstaying their welcome, and I gathered he thought he was being useful? Hmm... Yes, some restraint ( Read more... )

lego, minifigs, birthday, mini snape

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Comments 3

snapecentric1 January 1 2022, 23:54:41 UTC
I'm so ashamed! I gave myself that birthday thinking "they don't need the real one for anything", and I've had three birthday wishes from very kind lj ppl. *Hangs head in shame*

Anyway, if you still want my opinion, I agree with you on the first one. the official one is probably trying to bridge the movie age gap

Again, sorry for the misimformation...and Happy New Year!


gingerbred January 2 2022, 00:16:03 UTC
You absolutely should not feel ashamed. There's never any need to publicise more private information than you feel comfortable putting out there. (And I loathe the idea of peer pressure making a person feel they should. People should never do unnecessary things they're uncomfortable with, especially not for a reason so silly.) Some platforms honour the day people sign up to get around that, but because LJ has the birthday information for lots of folks (whether it's accurate or not 😆) most of us tend to go with that. (But if that's making you feel guilty, you can have the system hide your (fake) birthday. There's a setting for that ( ... )


kit10notk9 January 17 2022, 04:10:09 UTC

The middle one is teenage!Snape, and the last one is Alan's face. Face one is simply "resting-bitch-face!Snape".


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