A Barbie with brains...

Aug 04, 2021 19:07

I'd hate to give anyone the impression that all I care about is toys... 😆 But here I am again: toys!

There's a new line-up of Barbies, and these accomplished ladies have brains in spades. Allow me to introduce:

* Dr Audrey Cruz, a frontline worker from Las Vegas who joined forces with other Asian-American physicians to fight racial bias and discrimination.
* Biomedical researcher Dr Jacqueline Goes de Jesus, credited with leading the sequencing of the genome of a COVID-19 variant in Brazil.
* Dr Kirby Whitby, an Australian doctor who co-founded 'Gowns for Doctors', pioneering a surgical gown that can be laundered and re-used by frontline workers. (I'll admit to not understanding that one as fully as that's what my docs were wearing anyway, but I assume there are different practices around the globe, and sustainability always has my vote.)
* Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert University of Oxford researcher, honoured for her role as project leader in the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine. (Gingers, represent!)
* Dr Chika Stacy Oriuwa, a psychiatry resident at the University of Toronto, Canada, and advocate against systemic racism in healthcare.
* Emergency Room nurse Amy O'Sullivan, who treated the first COVID-19 patient at the Wycoff Hospital in Brooklyn, New York.

While I'll be buying none of these, I like that they exist. In particular, I'm definitely liking the STEM focus, diversity, international approach, and (because I'm shallow) the ink on that last lady. (Very pretty. They have taken some liberties with Nurse O'Sullivan (I guess that's in accordance with the laws of Barbie), but I like that they kept her distinctive sense of style. This comes close to her Time Magazine cover. And her socks easily rival anything Dumbledore has on offer.) Also nice, they're making a donation to Women in Science and Engineering, an organisation which runs an outreach resource created to inspire girls to consider a career in STEM.

And in other news, if you haven't seen it yet, the pics of this year's last Harry Potter lego instalment have leaked, and by gum! It's dead pretty:

(More pics on acciobrick for those who want to see what details are presently available.)

Fine, yes, I have toy-brain. It's a thing. Try to love me anyway. ❤️

lego sets, real world

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