How to Sync Your LiveJournal to DW...

Dec 29, 2019 22:09

... if you've never done it before. (At a later date, I'll get around to the what happens if you've done it in the past and crossposted to create the entries. Trial and error ftw.) Or let's call this the 'maybe it's time to make a backup of your LJ account' post...

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technical issues, dreamwidth, x-post, backup, support, importing, lj, crossposting

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Comments 19

gelsey December 29 2019, 21:13:11 UTC

I've done this ages ago, and have crossposted ever since. So I'm good :) just do know it'll take ages if you have a lot of entries.


gingerbred December 29 2019, 21:23:45 UTC
Crossposting was definitely easier. 😕 On the other hand, this archives the comments, so it probably isn't a bad thing.


gelsey December 29 2019, 21:24:58 UTC
Maybe when I get back on the laptop I'll do that for comments then.


gingerbred December 29 2019, 21:28:58 UTC
Definitely worked from the tablet. Not sure about phones, though.


toblass December 29 2019, 21:16:32 UTC

I can’t remember, but if you want to import the comments on the posts, I think there is an option for that? It’s been a while, but my foggy brain thinks that was possible.


gingerbred December 29 2019, 21:19:56 UTC
Yes, the comments did get imported. I counted at least ten levels down, and the total comment numbers are the same between the sites, so it looks good. 😊


laymon February 27 2022, 13:01:34 UTC
Mine just keeps aborting and I have no idea why :\


gingerbred March 3 2022, 02:53:22 UTC
Double check that you have the same password entered on DW for the import as you do on LJ.

Then at present there's unfortunately a good chance it still won't work, because they've been having problems between the sites. Crossposting hasn't worked since January and is now officially disabled, and importing only works sometimes.

There are only two options at that point: 1) keep trying, or 2) try copying your posts over manually, but you won't have a copy of the comments if you do it that way.


cuddyclothes March 9 2022, 15:53:19 UTC
Hi! You mentioned that you'd be posting on how to import your LJ if part or most of it is already on LJ. I imported my journal some time ago but there are still months of posts. Thanks!


gingerbred March 9 2022, 17:19:05 UTC
Interest pretty much... wasn't and thorough testing was beastly, so frankly I eventually stopped testing it. Now that there's suddenly renewed interest, hmm, testing is impossible (I haven't been able to import in over a week) and I can't find my old notes.

I can put some of it together from memory however, and with the caveat that it's been two years and I might be fuzzy, in broad strokes it went something like this:

* New posts are added to the existing imports.
* New comments were imported and threaded into the journal where appropriate, even on older posts.
* Old, already imported posts (usually) weren't imported again. Very occasionally that goes wrong, but that's down to some bug, and there's nothing to do on our end but try either way. It either happens or doesn't, and we can't know it will until it's happened. (If it does, you need to submit a bug report.) If a backup is useful (I think it is) then that's a risk we just have to take. Those double posts should get slotted into place chronologically, though, so you'd just ( ... )


archaeologist_d March 9 2022, 22:48:41 UTC

I tried to add you to my circle but it says you don’t exist on dreamwidth. Will try again when I get home.


gingerbred March 10 2022, 02:47:28 UTC
I'm gingerbredrules over on dreamwidth (as someone snaffled the gingerbred nick on spec), although my DW account frankly hasn't received the love it should have. I imagine that'll change moving forward... :/


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