Somewhat sappy, but oh so true

Jul 27, 2006 10:53

So recently I found a CD full of MP3s on my desk, and I was going to work so I put it in my cd player... I didn't recognize the first 15 songs and was somewhat confused, but in a good way. Then good ole group x and johnny cash came on and straightened everything out. The treasures you discover while you are cleaning are countless. 
I don't know what I was going to say with that but on another note I am somewhat distressed by the fact that no matter how many shows my friends set up to play around me I can't make it to any of them. I have been dying to make it to any of the Winston shows, and everytime I am working or going to maryland with my beautiful girlfriend or something. Same goes with o'brother and starsfade and Sarah peacock, and people who are in shows not necesarily putting them on.
I am surrounded by people with so much talent who are in a place to show off what they have with no way to support view or really enjoy the life in the talent because I can't seem to get out to different venues and such for shows.
This is not a pity party for how much I work I promise, and I know you all have a lot going on on these certain nights so you won't notice I am not there because I have rarely been there in the past, but I would like to say that I support all of you a great deal and think about you often. Whether it be a band, photographer, illustartor, soloist, or actor and any number of the things I forot to mention you are in my mind because that is what friends do. think about their friends even when they can't get to them to tell them how much they care and support their efforts to make the world a better place through life and sound.
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