Well, if you don't know, I like to drink wine. It's my drink of choice. I don't go for zinfandels or cabernet, but I really enjoy a nice mellow glass of merlot with dark chocolate. Pinot grigio with a little bit of cheese and maybe some crackers. I can easily drink a fair amount of wine when in a social situation and relaxing on my own. But I've decided to cut back a little. No drinking all weekend. I'm going to try to cut down to drinking only every couple of weeks, or even once a month. I'm tired of having hangovers on Sunday mornings, and wine will do that to you. It gives you a headache like no other. It's better that way I suppose, since a few people in my family have been alcoholics, and I don't want to end up like that. They say it's in the genes, so I don't want to give that mess a chance.
But anyways enough of all that stuff! xD I took some pictures today that turned out really well, I'm really pleased with them!
I made a daily lolita post!
http://community.livejournal.com/daily_lolita/3511263.html#cutid1 I've also been looking at the new alice deco I got. I have some outfits I need to post to daily a la mode, but I'm a lagger lol. I can't wait for Fall. So many of the looks in alice deco have layers, and all kinds of accessories, and that stuff does so much better in the cool Fall weather. I always feel uninspired for Summer coordinates. I need more ideas!
...and I should be able to have my new clothes shipped out this week from Japan! Yea not much longer until I can wear my AP boots! I'm excited to see what they'll look like! I also found this dress on auction, I really want to get it too! I love the collar, it looks kinda versatile, and hey it's cheap.
Well I guess that about wraps it up. I've got to work tomorrow at 10:30 so I'm going to get to bed pretty soon. I only have a little over a week of my externship left to go :D
I hope everyone else is taking care too!