How's life treating you?

Jul 16, 2010 00:53

Hi everyone! How's life treating you? Mine's been ok, not too bad if I do say so myself :D

Well, I finished my classes! I'm all done! I'm proud of myself, I did really well on the Finals, I got A's on both of them. All I have left to do is my externship, I'm on the home stretch now. I'm worried about starting, I start on Monday. I've always gotten nervous when I start a new job though, I'm always afraid no one will like me there, or they'll think I'm an idiot or something. I keep trying to remind myself that I'll do fine.

Tomorrow I have to go pick up a lab coat and scrubs to wear. I also have a lot of things to catch up on around the house. I've got to watter my plants. The miniature pumpkin plants I planted have two little pumpkins growing on the vine. I'll have to take some pictures tomorrow, I'm excited about that! Hopefully I'll get a lot more as the Summer progresses.

I also went to anime expo the weekend before last. I had a fun but exhausting time, and I bought some cute stuff!

Happy Garden! I also bought the matching side bow to go with it. I figured I might as well.

At the harvest moon display

I got this super cute rilakkuma case, it's perfect for my camera!

This cute lolipop brooch/hairclip by mintymix

And also this super cute sunday pendant. There were so many cute ones, it was really hard to pick, but I finally decided on this one. Everyone at the booth was so nice, it was really nice to see them!

A hamtaro back pack haha!

And then last weekend my boyfriend and I were on the guest list for Fresh. The event almost got cancelled because of the aftermath of the edc incidents, so it took place in San Bernardino. Better for me since I lived only 15 minutes away, but the place sucked. It was hot as hell, but not completely unbearable. Luckily we just drank beer and danced until 2 am. I wore one of my dread falls from edc as a ponytail, it was quick and easy, but I thought it looked pretty cool.

I always feel like the only one at the party with my clothes on :/

Oh I also made a daily lolita post a couple of days ago. I've been so lazy lately, not dressing up, so it was fun. I was excited to try out my new shoes!

And homg these bags!! Need! They're so cute!

Haha, hey well take care everyone! Enjoy your summer ok!

fresh, purchases, ootd, thoughts, updates, clothes, school, parties, anime expo, daily lolita, opinions

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