How are you today?

Jun 01, 2010 20:20

Hello again, how is everyone today? I haven't updated in a while, so I hope everyone is doing good! As for me, eh, I've been ok.

I have to have these shipped out on Friday. I hate the week waiting for stuff to to arrive, I'm always anxious about it being lost or something during shipping. It's always a relief and a pleasure when the box arrives and I can finally get to see all the cool things I bought!

To match my jsk:

I think this will be really cute and wonderful for Summer. I love the neckline!

Finally, after all this time, I finally snagged Cherry Berry Bunny! I think I'll wear it to anime expo this year.

I would have much rather had this in yellow, but one of my goals is to add some different colors to my wardrobe. Most of what I have is pink, yellow, or red. I don't have any lavendar, so this will be perfect. Next: lavendar tea parties!

I also bought a pair of tricky night wrist bands. I know a lot of people didn't like them, but I'm going to wear them with pink workout pants and a cute t shirt when I go jogging. Lol jogging in style :D

Hmmm, what else have I been up to?...

Well, I'm getting ready for finals at the end of this month. I'm not too worried. I've been keeping up with my work, and I don't think that should be a problem. I actually haven't been doing much of anything besides school. Thank god it's almost over! For a while at least.

Ah, I've been planning my outfits for EDC this year! It should be pretty cool, I haven't had as much time to spend working on anything this year, but I'll pull it together. I have a few weeks.

Hmm, my boyfriend took me out for dinner and I threw together an outfit:

I took some pictures in my new wig, and dressed lolita a bit back:

I've been writing a lot lately, even though in most other ways my creativity seems blocked right now. I don't know what it is, but I'm so damn lazy lately. I have no motivation like I usually do. It's weird. Maybe it's the alignemnt of the planets or something lol.

I need to MAKE myself get up and do something productive. In fact, I think I'll make that my goal for the next couple of weeks. Get out of my lazy slump and be productive.

We'll see about that huh? :D

purchases, pictures, angelic pretty, stuff, ootd, thoughts, lolita, updates, fashion, school, btssb

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