Only thinking about it, because I don't even have my ears pierced. I was into being au natural when I was a little girl so I never got them done. The thought of the pain doesn't bother me much. I have a high pain tolerance, surprisingly. Lots of fights and training =] But I'm apprehensive about getting something only because I've been natural until now. And I don't want to get something I'll hate down the road. The only thing I ever thought I liked enough to have tattoo'd on me is my name. I've always loved my name and I don't plan on changing it, even if I do get married. It'll always be with me. So here's my plan. I originally wanted my last name tattooed on my upper back in old english. Like done REALLY big. But decided against that since it was more of a joke than serious. What I've been contemplating is getting my name done in some kind of script on my lower back. When I started thinking about it more, I thought why not get Shelby Cloud tattooed in the same style as the AP logo. Like this:
Not too big, maybe 7 or 8 inches across. And in black. Any thoughts? I thought it would be really cute. Am I totally self absorbed to want to tattoo my name on myself? :D lol.