There's a garden at work. When I first started work, not too long ago, I was overwhelmed by what I saw there. Now, I'm "getting used to it" and don't see it as well as I used to. Of course, fewer and fewer things are blooming, and much is dying. But I find I am taking it for granted--which I don't want to do.
Exactly- I do that with everything. I get used to things so quickly. I think it's why I am always organizing, going through my things, tidying up- just seeing and touching things reminds me of their possibilities.
Comments 2
There's a garden at work. When I first started work, not too long ago, I was overwhelmed by what I saw there. Now, I'm "getting used to it" and don't see it as well as I used to. Of course, fewer and fewer things are blooming, and much is dying. But I find I am taking it for granted--which I don't want to do.
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