july progress report…

Jul 25, 2012 21:17

etsy shop, in progress

Since we’re getting closer to the end of July, I thought I might do a little “progress report” on some of the goals I set earlier this month. I have to admit, ever since I gave myself a specific set of goals for the summer, it has made life not only more productive, but a lot more enjoyable. I just function better when I feel as if I’m moving towards some goal, contributing in some way, even if its only to my own bigger picture.

- I’m still plugging away on getting Gingerblue Studios up and running online. It’s been sort of remarkable for me since I have started and stopped this project *so* many times in the last several years.It’s hard to believe I’m making progress. I have been getting different things together for the Etsy shop and working on listings. I have a few things on there now, but I haven’t officially “launched” yet. I set up some discount codes, decided on shipping rates, and have adjusted the prices a few times. I’m still working out the kinks.

And I FINALLY figured out how to print cards and prints using my large format printer, which only took me, like, TWO YEARS. That was a huge relief.

I updated and organized my Flickr account, which I have been neglecting for a very long time. That felt really good, and only took a few hours.

I have not yet dipped into promotion- I know it’s necessary, but at this point I think I will probably stick to just doing blog posts on the GBS site and Facebook updates as I add things. It’s really important for me to just get this online presence out there, as opposed to worrying about *how* much it’s getting out there. I don’t know if that makes any sense.

- As far as creating, I’m sort of doing it within the bounds of GBS right now, which is actually quite nice. I’m making jewelry again, for the first time in MONTHS (it might actually be over a year, to be honest.) I was worried I’d have to figure the techniques and measurements and stuff again but I slipped back into it like I hadn’t taken the hiatus at all.

Unfortunately, all of this means that I am art journaling a tad less than I would like, but I really feel like when I come into my art studio, I am not wasting time trying to figure out what I should be doing. I have specific projects in mind and when I come in here, I either get started on them or continue to make progress on them. It’s very refreshing to have this *focus*. I truly hope I can keep it going- I feel like I am building momentum, and I am really enjoying it.

- I’ve been reading SO much more. Instead of grabbing my phone and playing word games, I try and grab my book instead. It’s actually working- I’m reading for quite a bit every day as opposed to just a few minutes before bed, when I can keep my eyes open.

I have also been going outside in the evenings again, watching the sunsets while reading. That’s a welcome break. I have to remind myself how much better I feel when I stick to that ritual. It’s a small thing, and it seems like it can easily be abandoned if I am in the midst of a project or some work, but I’m making an effort to stop what I’m doing and get out there, even if it’s just a few minutes.

I also reached a personal milestone with writing book/product reviews, so that made me incredibly happy, as well. However, I haven’t started writing fiction again. That’s okay- it’s on my mind.

- I have *not* been doing well with meditation. I started off the month strong- I subscribed to a meditation website and downloaded a bunch of new guided meditations, and I was meditating daily.

But then I realized that the time I have always allotted for my meditation practice (right after swimming) was just *not* the right time for me. The only thing I want to do after I swim and shower and take care of my feet and stretch (I have to stretch my spine and hips every day for fifteen minutes to keep the pain down) and get the laundry going is to sit down and have a cup of tea and just read a little bit. Sitting and meditating made me frustrated and resentful. So now I am looking at my day and my routines a little more mindfully and trying to see where meditation will fit in and be a welcome ritual, rather than something I felt obligated to do.

- I have been trying to multi-task less and while it’s an ongoing challenge for me, I am very aware of it when it’s happening and I’m beginning to learn how to stop it in its tracks.

It’s a little scary, to be honest, how my mind will just take off in ten different directions. I’ll be sitting and reading something or writing something, and then something will distract me or a thought will pop up in my head and BANG, I’m doing something completely different, sometimes in another room.

I have been trying to figure out why I do it, and it’s almost like I feel as if I don’t get to whatever it is that is distracting me/popping up into my mind *right away*, it might disappear. It’s been eye-opening. It definitely relates back to the discovery I made last month that I felt obligated to all the creative ideas I have ever had, which is why I had so many art supplies.

I’m trying to remind myself constantly that I’m NOT obligated to every idea, every thought, every creative nudge, every little thing that pops into my head. I need to learn how to pick and choose what I will commit to, what is worth my time and attention.

- Nurturing myself has also been a little bit tricky. I’m getting more sleep, getting to bed earlier and waking up earlier. But my eating is weird right now. I love ALL kinds of food, but there’s not much of it I will actually *eat*. Right now I’m into salads. But they can be fussy to make, so I put it off. I can’t be bothered to eat during the day, so it’s usually not until 6pm (later, usually- hey, I’m being honest) that I will actually sit down and eat something, and that’s only because I start feeling really dizzy and grouchy. I need to stop that- make lunchtime DURING THE DAY a priority. I need to just stop whatever I am doing and go and eat a meal.

- We’ve been watching lots of movies, instead of watching TV, so that’s been great. I am so glad that my interest in movies and my desire to go see them is back. For a long time, right after Gracie came home, we NEVER watched movies or went to the theater. But as soon as she was old enough, we started taking her and now all of us are movie-obsessed. I LOVE movies. I mean, I went to graduate school for Film Studies. Watching movies is truly a big passion of mine. It might not be *the* big passion (like art), but it is way up there on the list of things I love.  It feels good to be back and engaged with that whole world again. Like I found another part of myself I lost along the way.

- The butterfly garden is coming along. Slowly, but surely. The seeds I planted are all growing and I often see butterflies flittering around when I’m out there tending to it. I am starting to think about the landscape around our house, as well, and about moving out some of the trees (tiny scrubby things) that came with the house and replacing them with some citrus and flowering trees.

- As for communication… I’ve been working on it.

So far, so good, right? I think I want to figure out a set of goals for August, and see what I can accomplish. How about you, how was your July?

life in general, in the garden, in the art studio, beads and jewelry, just thinking

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