ER : 1 GBP = 2.15 SGD
Domestic shipping fo H&M Fixed 1SGD per item, closes every 8 items
Domestic shipping fo MONKI Fixed 1POUND per item , closes every 6 items
International shipping for H&M and Monki = approximately $6 per unit.
International delivery(8-10days) by New look: Fixed @ £1/item
Email your orders to in the following format :
S T R I C T L Y NO MEETUPS, even if you order heavy shoes we will mail it to you.
- Name of addressee :
- Product link : and Include: Merchant, Product code/URL, price, colour, size, quantity (number your items)
- Mailing address :
- Preferred mailing method : (normal/registered + $2.50)
We'll do all the calculations for you!