Public post: In response to all the wank I bring you this. (Gacked from
attilatehbun )
Bring out your requests. Comment!porn again. This time: Ron-Pr0n. For the Revolution. Because Ron. Well. We love him. And we shouldn't forget that.
I will be writing Ron comment porn tomorrow as soon as possible. For as many people as want it. And, for fun and inclusion, I will write any Ron pairing. Any. And do my level best to make it good for you. So comment, give me a prompt and a pairing. Counting freckles, chocolate, unrequited Squid!lust. Anything. Or if pairings aren't your style, Ron wanking, um, wherever.
Just bring me your Ron-centric requests.
*cackles* This fandom is all sorts of whacked, but I love it. I can't believe I participated in my first FW, ever. :s The good thing about it is that I've found a new friend in
belovedranger ! Yes. THAT belovedranger. *resumes cackling*
ETA: Eherm. Sorry. That sounded a bit childish.
And re: requests. Please bear in mind that I am relatively a newbie to this fic writing thing. So unless you want some really crappy comment porn...
ETA2: I'm not taking prompts anymore since this offer has been on the table for around 24 hours now. But really... you should blame
tjwritter because her unrequited Squid/Ron request has scared me away...