Aug 08, 2006 21:25
I am quite proud of myself. I did the washing and ironing today. I didn't realise ironing made your arm ache so much. Have new respect for mother. What's more is that everything is the right colour. And intact.
My mother and two sisters have buggered off on guide camp for a week, leaving me and my dad to fend for ourselves, which means feeding ourselves, ensuring we don't run out of clothes (unlikely as we only have to cope with a week) and basically making sure the dog doesn't starve or pee all over the house. My dad goes to work during the day leaving me home alone so I have to look after Sam (dog), which includes taking him on his big walk which is about 5km long. It's actually quite a nice walk and means that I'm getting some sort of exercise as opposed to just sitting around doing nothing. Which is what I did for most of yesterday (aside from the walk) and previously in the holiday. Damn boring.