Ah leah's party

May 07, 2008 19:30

So .. leah's party was a few weeks ago, its taken me this long to get the shame out of my head.
To think i was afraid i would never have another good story to tell, that i was getting too old and would never have any more wild and nasty times....
Well i should have known that every time i go to a gathering with the "St Marys boys" i end up drinking FARRR too much. Long story short .. well i have another story .. and boy is it good.
Soo i got good and drunk at the party .. went on to "sumones" house only coz 3 ppl i actually liked were goin and one was driving us. Any hoo .. by then i was way out of it .. and ended up throwing up on that "sumones" couch... terrible terrible!! The ppl i actually liked ended up taking care of me .. god love them (i think they may hate me now) .. they drive me home .. but forgot to make sure i had my bag ... with my keys .. and i only fuzzily remember making sure i got my coat!.. soo im in my drive way without keys .. what do i do..
I go through my side gate (thank god my dad had left it unlocked) .. the friend god love him shuts the gate behind me. So im at the back of my room, my parents have locked my back door!... so instead of ya know .. goin to the front door and asking for sum help from Ma and Pa. Noooo i break into the fly screen of my window .. (the window that has a inner lock to it .. meaning i cant move it unless i lift a lock thats on the inside!) .. so i break through the fly screen, i stay there trying to move the window or lift the lock for maybe 15mins.. i also tried using tongs i found in the backyard to lift the lock on the window, scratching the crap out of my arm while im at it. Then i realised i can reach the door lock much easier from the window hole.. Finally i get into my room. Straight to bed.
I wake up at 8am the next morning .. freaking out coz i have no bag .. no phone .. no wallet! I call Emily crying .. she comes flying over in her white chariot, ( her car ) ... I call and wake up the birthday girl to find out where the hell we ended up..
Head straight over to "sumones" house... wake them up... a guy answered the door hung over and confused. I say "Hi im the gurl who threw up last night .. i left my bag here .. i wanna get it .. thanks. Dont worry i woke Leah up as well .. ok u have a great day" .. hahahah not my finest moments. Spent the rest of the day dieing! Thank god Kinnear still loves me lol, he took care of me. Keeping me in a warm, dark room.. feeding me hungry jacks and ice cream (which didnt really help) but much loved.

Theres my story.. one more to add to those nutty teenage drunken years of mine.

Since then, actually the monday after the party ..i passed my Ps test! YAY me!..
Also to my surprise my sister has been letting me drive her car, admittedly its been to pick her up .. but still .. shes letting me drive her car .. me? who was such a cow about her driving MY car .. (then letting a friend drive my car, who then crashed it, my bad .. i have learnt my lesson)... So my point i love my sister, even though she might only me letting me drive her car so i can pick her up.

Much love
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