Hey toots!!!!

Dec 03, 2004 22:29

Well, it's been a long week, with my best friend getting pnamonia and all, and making alot of new friends ans gettin closer to the ones i already have!!!! Well, i'm kind of mad because jessica and I were supposed to do something, and i guess our plans got mixd up and jessica and I were both mad at the end, but hopefully soon were gonna do something together. (were becoming like best friends) but n e ways, il stop wasting your time and just tell you that youv'e probablly noticed that i changed around my lj, its cool huh? Well write me back, alright and ohI almost forgot , " Muslim ,Muslim, Muslim" that was to jessica harrison ( she knows it was an inside joke) ne way gots to go luv ya , byeness!!!!

~~~~~~~Tootsie pop~~~~~~~~~
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