
Oct 18, 2008 19:59

#57.6 from writers_muses
Name : Ginger McKenna-Rothstein
Fandom : Casino
Word count : 260

I shoulda known that Sam would shaft me. I should've never married him. He's a Gemini. Triple Gemini. Duality. Gemini is the snake, you know. You can't trust a snake.

We had an agreement, you know. That money was for me, and only me. When we first got married, he promised me that it was mine, no matter what. It was my insurance you know. No matter what happened, I was set up for life. That’s what he told me, that was the agreement. If everything went wrong and it didn’t work out, I was taken care of, that was the fucking deal.

But when it came down to it, he screwed me over. So much for his fucking word and his promises. I was entitled to that money. No, I don’t feel guilty about taking it, I was taking what was rightfully mine. Can you believe he wasn’t even going to let me in the house to get my stuff? I’d been wearing the same clothes for two days, and he wouldn’t even let me in the goddamned house to get a change of clothes. I mean, what’s that shit about? It’s not like I wanted the house, or anything that wasn’t mine. I just wanted my clothes, my jewellery and my money.

My fucking money.

I shoulda known all along it was bullshit. Did he honestly expect for me to walk outta there empty handed? Eight fucking years I’d given that Jew Gemini bastard. And for what? Well screw you Sam Rothstein, I’m having what’s owed to me.

wm prompt

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