Things I Hate......

Jul 14, 2008 15:01

With A Burning Passion

Dial Up:

There really is not use for that title. Maybe as I rant it will become more useful. The title really started when I was complaining about having dial-up. I mean who really has dial up this day and age? Well, besides me and Jesus no one has dial up! Dial up is a waste of time. It takes 200 years for something to load. No good things come from it.

Cruel Jokes....

That are ment to be funny but arent! Seriously why do people do this. There is a difference between a joke and a cruel joke that you do not let up on for a long time. Please do not waste my time that you think is funny but its really not. They are cruel and pointless and a complete waste of time!

Random Beeping on the Highway

Why is it that everytime I am driving somewhere there is always beeping? Even when there is no reason people are beeping. Are you doing this because you have nothing better to do that beep your horn? I especially hate it when people beep right when the light turns green. HELLO! give a person a chance to take their foot off the brake and put it on the gas. Quit being impatient people. Do you really have to be somewhere that bad that you cant wait a second? If your in a f*cking hurry take a bus!

Thats all I have for now...I will continue at a later time when I can think of more to write.

Ta for now!
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