Day 18 and 19

Jan 22, 2011 09:16

 Favorite side charakter

We all agree, that Evan Lorne isn't a side charakter, don't we?

My choice for this day is Colonel Steven Caldwell. It's a shame, that he didn't get the chance to show his "human side" more. I loved the deleted scenes, where I could see his soft spot for Sam Carter or his understanding for John.
His strength is sexy, though ;-)

most annoying side charakter:

I think, it's not fair to choose someone who only showed up once. That would be a guest star, I guess. Blame it to my bad english, if I don't get this right :-) 
It would be Kelller, but since she made it into the opening credits she's more than a side charakter, unfortunately.
So, it has to be Kavanaugh. Poor him *g*


31 days of sga

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