I am sorry for this, but this is how things work, bc wth!

Apr 09, 2012 20:52

First of all, I have to thank kangsadanamm whoever that person is for ruining my day, my week and probably my month. Second, also hope she feels pretty good after she/he/whoever made me took this decision.

I am sorry, deeply sorry but there won't be more sharing stuff from me, at least not the way it have been until now because it's pretty obvious that some people don't know how to read or understand some simple rules, and above all doesn't know how to read the atmosphere or place themselves in the shoes of the person posting stuff...

I shouldn't have made a search because I would be happier than I am now, but I did, don't know why and found this:

They are already gone and the account suspended which for me is small consolation... Because, first... I don't include the don't stream in every single post but I did put it in some and there wasn't just one thing there!! Second, if I ask for credit I say put 'ginger' or 'ginger001' but NOT THE FREAKING URL!!! THE NOT LINKING BACK IS SOMETHING YOU DON'T GET OR WHAT!?

And even more... Don't you think that if I want to put the stuff up in the FREAKING YT I could have done it myself!!! For pete's sake what's wrong with people!!! 18 videos!!!! All of them can't be from here, but... seriously!! (now I am afraid they link that user name in yt to me when I don't f***ing know this person!!!! because I am paranoid this way)

Can't you suspect that the locking of posts, the not wanting you to use my mf links and asking you to get your own... and the not linking back, may means that I don't want things linking back to me (my journal!)!!!!!

Seriously I am so furious right now that I don't know what to do.

Now I really understand why things are changing around and people decide to leave the fandom... because... "·%!"·%"·&""&"W&W@€|#@~|#@~|! Arghhh! I am really mad atm!

Tracking down the user name, I suspect this 'kangsadanamm" speaks Spanish, so well:

No sé si lo has hecho con la mejor o con la peor de las intenciones, pero gracias por arruinarme la vida temporalmente. No soy la reina del mundo y no aspiro a ello... porque ni siquiera se trata de videos de alta calidad, los compartía con la gente tan impaciente como yo!
Compartía los videos porque realmente quería compartirlos pero bajo unas condiciones que no me hicieran estar nerviosa o preocupada por las posibles consecuencias. Gracias a ti ya no me siento segura para compartirlos. Te lo agradezco. Si estás en mi lista de amigos, me gustaría que me contactaras en privado y me dieras una explicación. Si no, y alguien te conoce de mi lista de amigos, que te agradezcan el hecho de que no voy a volver a postear videos en abierto y no sé si tampoco 'friends-only'.


up, lj, rant, arashi

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