As I've been a bit stuck with the end of my fic (it's almost done, believe me) I decided to read all sakumoto fics I could find that I hadn't read before and also re-read a couple three that are WIP but that are really good...
I'm really bad at waiting and still, I couldn't help reading them in the first place... Now I'd be esctatic if any of them could get updated.
In no particular order:
The Hunter it's a series by
cherry_armrest. It's unfinished but there are plenty of chapters to read until she updates *crosses fingers*.
AU fic where Sho is a werewolf looking for his long lost mate (Jun) who he thought was dead. Once he finds him he realized that a lot of things have happened to Jun. Also in that time Sho had dealt with his pain in his own way.
What I like:
Apart from the premise that I love, all the characters are great, there is noone that is not interesting in their own way. Not everybody are werewolves but I'm not telling who is each. A favorite part of mine is the beginning for how predatory Sho seems to be, and also the way Jun and Sho met long ago and how Sho turned Jun. That part is really touching and beautiful.
You can find it here.
Thunderstorms and Tempest by
It's also unfinished but the only chapter left is the last one. She said she'd finish and I believe her, however I warn you, the ending line of the last chapter post is a killer.
The boys are Arashi. One night Jun gets a call from Sho were it seems he is declaring and Jun relieved admits his feelings. However it wasn't that and Jun feels betrayed and annoyed at the same time. All that misunderstanding gets worse and with Nino's and Aiba's help, they will go back to normal and possibly acknowledge the feelings they have. However, something happens to Sho when things looked brighter.
What I like:
All the angst! Both of them, Sho and Jun have really ansgty moments, you really feel their pain, especially Jun. The pace is awesome and you can't stop reading. Parts 5.2 and 7.1 are favs of mine. I really hope she manages to post the last chapter soon *crosses fingers again*
You can find it here.
A Mark Discarded and a thousand thank you notes by
All the sakumoto fans in my flist are probably reading this already because it's awesome.
AU. Sho is an idol and Jun is his boyfriend for around 10 years without anybody knowing. However somothing happens that makes things be discovered. They both have to deal with it. (I really is a lame plot description... I'm not making it justice).
What I like:
Everything, especially Sho and Jun and what we know of their life together, before and now.
You can find it here at her journal, since it's recent, you can find your way back through the entries.
I forgive her for not updating :P because she wrote this amazing fic meanwhile for Jun's bday fic contest (which she won). The title Derail.
This one is placed in the future... An AU where Arashi doesn't work together anymore, they are married (not all) and with kids. Jun has always loved and still loves Sho although he knows it can't be. Things happen and they get into their respective lives again. (Don't want to give anything away because I will be ruining it for you). I'll just say that Jun's angst here is so well built, so amazing! that I cried twice or three times while reading. (Go read it!)
And, that last one, I found it while surfing also old
sakumoto comm entries.
All we are by
AU. Sho saved Jun's life when both were little. They find each other by chance 10 years later. Sho is shocked to find how Jun's life has been. He is the first one showing him some caring towards what happens to him. They fall for each other but both are in danger since there are a lot of people/stuff fromt he past trying to catch up with them.
What I like:
All the characters are amazing. The tension, the drama is well built and how Jun realizes along the way what Sho means to him is really great.
You can find it here.
As I say this post is also a reminder for me, so I can find what I love later on.
For example, the other day I was driving myself crazy because I knew I have recently read a sakumoto fic where Jun was deaf and I couldn't find it. Later on I found it but that gets on my nerves. *btw, it was Beyond Words by