It's the ex-cop bar owner, right? It has to be him. I don't think is the boss for how Kudo talks to him... There was a time I thought I could even be that police officer that is always complaining but at this point... it has to be the bar owner... That would explain why he and boss don't get along but why??? why is he doing this and helping Date in his quest at the same time?
Poor Kudo!! *nurses him back to health*
At least the images from the next episode show him in hospital... Hope the bad guy doesn't feel the need to finish him off.
Asuka looked so worried for Kudo *hearts*
PS for those worried about the Pingbacks with Twitter and Facebook... it seems things will be solved. If you receive lj news read it because they say it pretty clear and the animated gif the use lol! love it!... good sense of humor ;)