I wish I would do as I tell myself

Jul 05, 2010 06:09

So yeah here I am again, up to my eyeballs in crap fickery. Why am I doing this? I have an 'Oh that's a good idea!' moment, open up word and begin typing. That usually ends ooh about 3 hours later with half a page of shite and lower back pain.

The only thing I can say for certain is while they are mouldering, half done at, part murdered and blushing in the face of the english language on my hard-drive, they will never be foisted on the general public.

Some good news though, checked my work rota today I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow (I always work Friday to Tuedsday and have Wednesdays and Thursdays off). Well I checked, double checked, looked at the email sideways, pretended not to care about it and looked out the window, then I stunned it by looking back really fast. But no, I have no hours for tomorrow.

Sent a PM to the duty Team Leader, who checked (I doubt he tried the sneaking up and taking it by surprise method though) and yeah, he agreed, I am not down to work Monday. And then he said...

Come in tomorrow anyway and remind me and I will have you scheduled in.

Um. No, how about I take a surprise (and very much needed) day off from broadband tech hell instead? I actually had a customer ranting and raving today because they couldn't get online...and I so won the tech bingo full house. Their router was switched off and it was 'my' fault because the customer didn't know there was a power button at the back...um how did they switch the bastard thing off in the first place then?

Anyway sod going into work on Monday, I need the money but I need mental peace more and YAY for days off that you didn't expect.
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