Meme Time!

Apr 30, 2011 22:38

I totally gacked this from the lovely ladydeathfaerie and other assorted members of my FList.  It's a simple one:

Just say "give me questions you jackass" and I'll give you questions.

And here's the answers to the questions she gave me.

1. what do you find to be the most alluring aspect of fan fiction?
Alluring?  That's an interesting word.  As a reader of fan fiction, I'd say the allure is simply that I can't get enough of the fandoms of my choice.  No matter how prolific the producers of canon are, chances are that I just want more.  I also enjoy seeing the things that just aren't or can't be done/shown in canon.  As a writer of fan fiction -- it's almost self defense.  I was composing fan fiction in my head before I knew there was such a thing.  I was scribbling down stories (godawful ones I'm sure) before I ever found my first fan fic archive.  I'd say that it helps appease the "voices in my head."  But they aren't just voices.  There's sound and color, scent and sensation, thought and emotion...  There is all of that.  And it gives me the freedom to do just about anything I care to do with my writing.

2. how long do you think a good story should be?
The easy answer is "as long as it needs to be to tell the story."  But really, I prefer multi-chaptered stories over one shots or vignettes.  I like to see some exploration of the characters as well as some plot.  I do enjoy PWP, of course.  But even with my porn-for-the-sake -of-porn I'd rather have the action take place in some sort of larger context or plot and that simply takes more wordage to accomplish.  Hmm...I prefer stories of at least three chapters, but not necessarily long enough to qualify as a novel.  It's terribly frustrating to read thirty five chapters of a great fic, then realize the author has abandoned the project and you'll never know how it turns out.

3. which fandom is your favorite?
I'm a Mutie-lover to the end.  I don't limit myself to just Marvel's X-Men and related fics  But if you find me cruising the Internet for new fic, I'm probably headed straight for Graymalkin Lane.  I may stop to visit Sunnydale, Hogwarts, the Eyrie Building, the Circus of the Damned, tThe USS Enterprise or even Titans Tower, but I'll always come back home to Xaviers sooner or later.

4. who is your greatest inspiration in relation to your writing?
Is this a trick question?  Before I met you, I might have said it was my favorite English teacher.  Or maybe one of my favorite authors.  Probably Robert Heinlein.  But the person who has most directly and most consistently inspires my to write is you, my dear.  Ladydeathfaerie.

5. where would you go if you could escape into any world you've ever discovered (books, movies, comics, tv, etc.)?  Ooh!  That's a tough one.  Most of them are fun to read or watch because they are full of danger, drama, and excitement.  I enjoy those things vicariously, but I'm not sure I'd want to live there for real.  I think it would have to be one of the more hopeful science fiction realities.  Like the Star Trek universe or Robert Heinlein's World as Myth/Lazarus Long continuity.  Hmm...  Oh.  If we can count fan fic realities, then the Muse Cruise would be it.  ;)

You don't ask the easy ones, do you?  LOL.

fan fiction, meme

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