Updates...Or What Happened to From the Vaults?

Jun 19, 2008 07:01

I've been busy, busy, busy lately.

For now, From the Vaults is on hold, since I've run out of completed works to post.  I'm afraid that if I begin posting the incomplete stories I have in my "vaults" that I will feel obligated to begin working on them again.  So for now, they remain hidden away.

Why don't I want to breathe new life into my abandoned fics?
  • Some of them are for fandoms that I no longer write and it would take much more than simply picking them back up.  Research eats a lot of time.  And there's probably a reason I no longer write that fandom.
  • I already have too many projects going all at once.  I do have a full time job.  A husband.  Kids.  Cats.  Sometimes I even acknowledge having parental units...
  • Some of those I do plan to finish contain spoilers for my current projects.
What am I working on now?  I've tried so hard to keep it down to just three fics plus plotting and beta work...But it's a losing battle...The LJ communities mentioned here can be found in my links list...
  • LEWD -- Ladydeathfaerie's and my project to bring World Domination to unsuspecting fandoms and provide our readers with the Crack Fic they crave.  Posted to the Muse Cruise.
  • The Mutant Sue Virus -- Five fan girls find themselves in the world of the XMen...As Mary Sues!  Posted to the Mary Sue Virus Community.
  • Muse on the Loose:  A Muse Cruise Chronicle.  Muses and sometimes authors are running amok on the S. S. Muse.  Posted to the Muse Cruise.
  • Beyond Death -- Another incarnation of the Mary Sue Virus set in the Anita Blake:  Vampire Hunter fandom.  I'm beta and plot bunny wrangler here. LDF is the author.  Found on the Mary Sue Virus community.
  • Beta work here and there for my friends.
And that's probably more than any of you needed or wanted to know...Ciao!

from the vaults, update

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