From the Vaults, What Starfire Said Over Breakfast One Morning, Part 2 of 4

Mar 01, 2008 09:27

Authors Note/Disclaimer:

This is a work of fan fiction.  I don’t own the Teen Titans, I just have lots of fun playing with them.  I make no money from this work.  This is a parody of sorts:  I can see this kind of stuff going on off camera.  Five teenagers with no chaperone living together - come on folks.

Warnings:  Graphic sex, Minor, M/F, F/F, M/M/F, Interspecies if aliens count, Anal, and um…Toys?  Not sure how to categorize some of the insanity…you’ll see.  Please assume all these kids are of age wherever you live.  The show wasn’t all that specific, but do consider that they lived alone and were old enough to at least drive.

Since I consider dialogue a weak point of mine, I have written this first chapter as mostly dialogue.  I think it came out rather well.  Let me know what you think.

I had just finished writing a very long, very dark Nightcrawler/OC fic and I so needed to cleanse my brain of all serious thought.  Enjoy.  Let the sillyness commence!

Chapter 2:  Will Robin have “the sex” with Starfire?

A/N:  This is less a funny and more a smutty.  I’ve tried to sprinkle a little humor in, but mostly I’m playing it straight.

Robin and Starfire walked through the hall toward Robin’s room, hand in hand.  They were silent until they reached his door.

“Well.  Here we are.”  Robin dropped her hand and rubbed his sweaty palm on his uniform.

“Yes.  This is your room, Robin.”

“Yeah.  Uh.  Let’s go in.”  He opened the door and they entered his room.  He stood nervously as he waited for Starfire to sit down somewhere.  Starfire floated about a foot in the air and turned slowly around twice before floating over to his bed and sitting down on it.

“Will you not sit with me?”

“Yeah.  Sure.”  Robin sat down next to her, close, but not touching.

“Do you wish me to leave?”

“No.  I’m just a little nervous.”

“Why?  Are we not good friends?”

“Yes.  Yes we are.”

“Good.  May I ask you a question?”

“Sure.  Go ahead.”

“Robin, what does this word ‘gay’ mean?”

“’s when someone is…sexually attracted to people of the same gender.”

“Oh!   Then I am happy that you are not ‘gay.’”  Robin blushed.

“So am I.”

“Robin?  Should I call you ‘Dick?’  You did not seem to like it when the others called you that.”

“Call me whatever you like Star.”  Robin reached for her hand and held it between his palms.

“Even if I want to call you ‘grorfnar?’”

“Grorf…Is that a joke Star?”  Starfire giggled.

“I will call you Robin because I always have.”

“O.K.  Look Star, I really do like you.  I wish you had come to me first to ask about this.  I’m sorry if we got our wires crossed.”

“Wires?  I do not understand.”

“Sorry, that’s probably part of the problem.  Sometimes we aren’t actually communicating even when we’re supposedly speaking the same language.”

“I have noticed this.  Perhaps we should communicate some other way.”  Starfire scooted closer to him until she could rest her head on his shoulder.  He took the hint and wrapped an arm around her.  He let go of her hand and reached up to pull off his mask.  Starfire studied his face for a long moment.  He started to feel uneasy as the silence lengthened.


“You still look like Robin to me.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“It is good.  Very good.  Will you communicate more with me?”


“Kiss me.”  Robin pulled her closer and kissed her lips, closing his eyes.  They were warm and welcoming, tasting of some exotic spice.  She opened her mouth and allowed him to press his tongue inside to explore tentatively.  She moaned into his mouth as her questing tongue found its way into his.  She molded her body to his and he was suddenly breathless, feeling the soft pressure of her breasts against his chest.  He pulled away.

“Star?  Are you sure you want to do this?  There’s no hurry.”

“I have waited a long time, Robin.  I do not want to wait.  But if you do not wish to continue, I will go.”  She started to pull away.

“Don’t go.  Just take it slowly.  You are much stronger than I am.  We are different species after all.”

“I will be gentle.  I promise.”  Starfire pulled him close for another kiss that seemed to draw the very breath from him.  Blood seemed to be rushing in his ears as he began to stroke her smooth skin, reveling in its softness and warmth.  Starfire’s hands traveled across his chest, following the grooves and planes of his tightly muscled body.  She plucked at the fastenings of his uniform and soon she was pulling it open.  She slid her hands inside and her touch seemed to leave trails of warmth behind.

By now Robin was finding his uniform painfully tight as his erection strained against the fabric.  He felt Starfire’s hand caress him through the cloth and he groaned.  She stroked him again, more firmly and his breath caught at the sensation.

“I wish to see what you look like without your uniform.”  Starfire murmured in his ear.  Robin began to pull off his uniform, letting it fall to the floor.  She watched him curiously.  His body was slim and compact, like that of an acrobat or a dancer.  Starfire held her breath as removed his jockey shorts, freeing his erection.  It stood at attention from its nest of tight black curls.

“Would you like me to remove my clothes?”

“Yes, please.”  Robin watched as she pulled her top over her head, and her breasts fell free.  Her orange nipples were already crinkled with excitement.  She quickly squirmed out of her skirt and kicked off her boots.  He couldn’t resist stroking himself as he watched her.  Starfire’s eyes followed this with fascination.

“You are beautiful.”  Robin stretched out beside her and pulled her close for another kiss.  She returned it enthusiastically.  He began to explore her body with his hands and mouth and she wriggled with excitement beneath his hands.  Her own hands roamed his body, seeming to touch every inch of it at once.  Then she began to lick and nibble his neck, his chest, and lower, her tongue doing things to him that seemed impossible.  Her long tongue was agile, and unlike a human’s, prehensile.  When it wrapped around his erection he found himself moaning.

“Oh God, Star!  What are you doing?”  The tongue released him and he shuddered at the sensation of its withdrawal.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No…But if you want to do anything else you’d better stop.”

“Oh!  I will stop.  Shall we have the sex now?”  Robin laughed at the eagerness in her voice.

“Sure Star, but wait a second.  We need to use protection.”  He sat up and began rummaging around in his nightstand drawer.  “I think I have something in here.”

“Protection?  What do you mean?”

“Umm…This.”  Robin held up a little envelope. At Starfire’s puzzled look, he explained.  “A condom…birth control.  I don’t know if it’s possible for me to get you pregnant, but I don’t want to find out the hard way.”

“Oh!  You would not wish to have a child with me?”  Starfire looked hurt.  As tears threatened to fall again, Robin thought fast.

“That’s not what I meant Star.  If I ever did have a …a child…I wouldn’t want it to be an accident.  I would want it to be something I was ready for and had planned for.”  Robin returned to his place beside her and pulled her close.  “Please don’t cry.”

“I do not think I could become pregnant now.  It is not my time.  But if it will make you happy, we will use the protection.”

Robin kissed her again, tasting the saltiness of her tears on her lips.  Her hands reached for his erection and he moaned into her mouth as she stroked him firmly.  He pulled away and ripped open the condom with shaking hands.  There was an awkward moment as he sorted out which side was which and slipped it on.

“O.K.  I guess I’m ready, Star.”  Robin was suddenly nervous again.  But, Starfire didn’t give him time to think as she pounced on him, flipping him onto his back and kissing him eagerly as she straddled his hips.  His startled grunt was muffled by her lips.

“I am ready as well, Robin.”  Starfire sat up and reached down to guide the head of his cock to her entrance.  She shivered as it brushed across her clit and Robin held his breath in anticipation.  She slowly lowered herself and Robin slowly let out his breath as he was sheathed in her tight warmth.  Starfire continued to shiver as she worked her way slowly down his shaft, a long low moan coming from her open mouth.  When she had taken him all the way in, she paused.

“You O.K. Star?”  Robin’s voice was hoarse with emotion.

“Oh yes.”  Starfire moved her hips experimentally, sending shivers through both of their bodies.  “Robin?  What did Beast Boy mean when he said you were ‘packing?’”  Her hips moved again and it took him a moment to form an answer.

“He…uh…meant that…my uh…’equipment’ is …uh…”  Robin’s hips rose to meet hers as she leaned forward to listen for his answer.

“Yes Robin?”  Her eyes were large dark pools.  He felt like he was falling into them.

“…Big.”  He panted as Starfire continued to move slowly up and down, driving him crazy, too slow to bring him release.  She straightened again.

“Oh!  Yes…I can feel you all the way to my gendelbant.”  The last syllable came out as a squeal as her body shuddered and her head snapped back.  Her eyes glowed briefly, and then she lowered herself to rest on her hands and kissed him again.  Robin deepened the kiss hungrily.  He needed more.  He held her tightly as he rolled her over onto her back. His cock slipped free in the process.

“Oh, God Star!  You’re so hot!”  Now above her, he lowered his head to take one of her hard orange-tinted nipples into his mouth, sucking it hungrily.  She writhed under him, her mouth opened in a soundless “O.”  After a moment he switched to the other and her hips ground against him, a silent plea for more.

Robin lifted his head again and used his hand to guide his cock as he entered her again.  He moved slowly as he buried himself in her and felt her shiver beneath him.  Then he began to pump, slowly at first, then faster as his body urged him on.  Starfire squealed and moaned under him as he slid across both of her clits.  She bucked under him as she came hard and soon they were floating above the bed.

Robin clung tightly to her for leverage as he continued to thrust.  He closed his eyes as he felt himself getting closer and closer to coming.  Starfire continued to shudder and moan.  Her body arched with the force of her orgasms.  He was startled as he felt something bump the back of his head.  He lost his rhythm for a moment and opened his eyes.

“Uh…Star.”  He could see the bed far below them; he’d bumped his head on the ceiling.

“Yes Robin?”  Starfire panted, her eyes were closed and her brow furrowed as she wondered why he had stopped.”

“I just bumped my head on the ceiling….”

“Oh!  I am sorry.”

They began to sink downwards toward the bed again.  As soon as they touched the surface, Robin began thrusting again, harder now that he had leverage.  Starfire held tightly to his bed sheets as he drove himself over the edge.  The alien girl responded with a shout of her own and her eyes flashed with green energy as she quivered beneath him.  Green fire filled Robin’s vision as he thrust again and came deep inside her.  They lay panting for several moments before either spoke again.

“Perhaps the next time we have the sex, I should be strapped to the bed?”

“I’m O.K. with that.”

teen titans

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