Reading recommendation -- Hey! It's also free right now.

Apr 23, 2016 14:27

I am totally hooked on Ruby Dixon's Ice Planet Barbarians series.  It's an erotic romance set in a stranded-on-an-alien-world with exotic aliens kind of thing.  Her aliens have horns, tails, and are covered in suede-like blue fur (can you understand my fascination?)  Her writing is of a much higher caliber than most of the authors I've sampled in this genre and I haven't run into any glaring errors in her science or her world building -- which makes me very happy.   Her books are professionally edited, without the multiple grammar issues per page you often find in this category. She's also pretty darn prolific -- another plus in my book!

(If you're not an Amazon reader already -- you can read on any device capable of installing the app or even on your PC.)

Here's the link to the Amazon listing.

I also recommend subscribing to the Bookbub service that sends free and low cost reading suggestions to your inbox based on the preferences you've listed.  I've found some great reads through them.  Not so much with the other services I've tried.  And they give you links to all the major retailers that are offering that deal.

reading, review, free book

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