Update/Shameless Plug.

Oct 08, 2012 22:51

(Yup.  Again.  You're probably gonna get sick of these posts before all is said and done.  I'm sure I will.)

Update:  Largespawn's surgery is scheduled for Nov. 8 (or so I'm told.)  I haven't been given more instructions that that at this point.  He's doing fine, but driving us crazy.  The boy really, really needs to go back to school.  He is completely lacking in time management skills (or maybe lacking in caring about them) so hubby, myself, and the tutor sent by the school system are all pretty frustrated with him.  Middlespawn's birthday is the 12th and we were planning a party on this Sunday.  Unfortunately, so were several other children who run in the same circles, so we're pushing it back until after hubby's B-day (Oct. 18).  Little man has his heart on having some of his friends come, so we're gonna try.  Little Bit is deep into the terrible twos and keeping us hopping.

Shameless Plug:  Get 'em while they're hot!  This week, and probably next week, we're selling off some Amazing Spiderman issues.  Last week's sale wasn't great, but was definitely better than the first.  This week tops both already.  As of a few minutes ago, two of the nine lots up were purchased as "Buy it now."  And hubby had someone email him trying to talk him into selling the whole lot off Ebay -- which of course we refused.  We did suggest we might be talked into putting whatever didn't sell this time up as a single lot for him to purchase through Ebay.  We'll see about that.

comics, ebay, birthday, spawn, family crisis

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