::Locked and Heavily Warded for Harry and Ginny, only::

Feb 18, 2006 23:34

There are still some people I'm unsure about, and a few more who are neutral. And some who should be good guys, but because of their friendships, I'm not sure of.

Most of Gryffindor House should be fine, except Malfoy, of course. But then, no one's seen Malfoy for weeks outside of his wedding to that Dick Grayson fellow.

In Ravenclaw I'm friends with Emma Woodhouse. She's very sweet, but kind of delusional. She had the strangest idea in her head that you were going to marry Hermione, of all people! Ron would have blown a gasket if he'd heard that! But I've straightened her out on that subject. And of course, Professor Lupin's in Ravenclaw. I don't really now most of the rest of the people in that House. Macnair's in that House, so I don't go there to visit.

In Hufflepuff, there's Tonks, and Faith Lehane, but I haven't seen her lately, either. Faith is awesome. She has all kinds of great vampire slayer skills, so I hope she comes back soon. Oh, and Charlie's dating Lady Door, so she must be all right, too, even though she tried to put me in TootsiTramp House at my sorting.

Slytherin is more complicated. Most of Voldemort's supporters are in there, but I've managed to make a few friends, as well. I know you're not terribly religious, but Cthulhu is a great god, and willing to help us out. I'm not sure about Glorificus, but I have a great deal of respect for her, and I can try to befriend her, as well. There's also a Dr. Lector who's been very interested in helping me, and Julius something ... Caesar, I think, and I got on pretty well at his sorting, too.

Oh, and I have a meeting with Rita Skeeter in a couple of days. I think we may be able to work out some sort of arrangement. I have some things she wants.

As far as who to watch out for, it's the usual suspect, except there's also Kaiba Seto, who doesn't like me at all, Tom, and well, this Ryuuji guy he talks to at sortings.
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