I've started writing fic again. (Huzzah!) But it's a Draco/Hermione fic. (WTF?) Anybody free to beta a chapter or two?
Brutal Honesty Meme. A day late and a dollar short, as usual. Even though I am teh unkewl and only like, two people will post and they'll be ridiculously nice and why would I really want people to say mean things about me, but there you have it.
And for the record, I haven't responded to anybody else's requests for brutal honesty, but I will in a minute. You'll know it's me, too, because apparently I can no longer post anonymous comments because LJ thinks I'm a spam robot. ... Whatev, LJ.
EDIT: Oh WTFEVER LJ. Of course, my comment has to be the 5000th to that entry, so not only can I not give brutal honesty, I can't have it either. *SPASM* So if anyone has anything brutally honest to tell me, DO IT HERE. IP logging off, anon on and all that good stuff.
And also:
slumber - We don't really know each other all that well, but that's probably because right after you friended me, I disappeared off LJ. And then when I came back, you disappeared for a while. So hopefully now that we're both back, we can finally get to know each other, because I always get a kick out of reading your entries. Probably because you seem ultimately cooler than I will ever be. :P That, and you played an unforgettable Blaise at Out of the Fire.
siobhanohare - You are still my most sparkly and beloved one, but I don't always reply to your entries because sometimes I have no idea what you're talking about. You'll post a sentence or two about how you're upset at something or how terrible something is, but you never say what, and I can't really respond when I don't know what the problem is, and I feel cheap giving a generic "it'll be okay" answer. But it's never stopped me from reading your entries anyway, and sometimes I'm jealous of how popular you are. In all, I'm delighted and lucky to be your friend.
sazzlette - I envy you, like hardcore. You're a great writer, a brilliant photographer and artist, you're hilarious, and you've got a great group of friends. You've got this wonderful, attractive quality that just draws people to you and I wish I had the tiniest bit of it. And as for Snitched, I wish I would have never quit, because you all have so much fun and I want to play, too. :P
essawkward - I saw a lot of people were kind of hard on you about not commenting, or feeling distant from you, but I'm not one of those people. If I had an flist that long, I wouldn't comment all that much either. Besides, I rarely comment to you, even though I read all of your entries. I feel like I know you pretty well, because you're very candid in your entries, and I admire that. It takes guts to announce your innermost thoughts to a large group of people, some of whom you barely know. So I'd love to get to know you properly, timezones permitting, and I'll try to comment more often in the meantime. :)
Okay, if I've forgotten anybody, you can yell at me, but I just scrolled my flist for anyone who mentioned the Brutal Honesty meme in their more recent posts and might've missed someone.
And don't be afraid to comment here and be brutally honest. Because I never do these and I think it's about time people get the chance to bitch at me.