end of the month!

May 13, 2004 02:15

Not literally, but I just finished a crazy, crazy month or so during which, as several of you noticed, I haven't updated at all. So here it is: my brand-new sparkling fresh return to livejournal life.

The last day of classes was this last tuesday: the end of my regular college time. I've still got a handful of clases to take over summer school before I graduate, but those will be way chill and summer school always feels a little different. I think I'm going to miss this place, despite my reputation for never attending class and slacking off an ungodly amount.

So what's happened in my life the last month? A lot of classwork, believe it or not. I've been working really hard as texturing guru for that 3d animation class that I posted early stuff from a while back, as well as trying my hand at animating itself. I love it, and more than ever want to stick around in this area and get a job doing something along these lines. The final movie will be shown around here on may 19th, for those of you who are in berkeley and interested in seeing it along with the results from the other groups in the class. Otherwise, I'll have a digital version soon enough that I can post online for your downloading pleasure.

My photography class has been keeping me up late wandering campus with vinay and theneonfroggy. After another roughly 3-day marathon of spending 18-20 hours a day in the photo lab, I finished up my final project for the class. I'll post digital versions of the pictures as soon as I get web hosting for my portfolio again. Poor saytan's server went down, so my portfolio is homeless for the time being.

Last but certainly not least, I have a fantastic new [1] girlfriend, Caroline. She's awesome, always fun to be around, and forgiving of my incredible dorkiness at times [2]. I don't know what else to say, except that I'm quite happy, and things are going well. The only problem is that she lives a long way away, and since my bike was stolen a few weeks ago, I'm minus transportation to get all the way to see her. I'm looking into buying a car in the next few weeks, since I'll be moving out of the place I'm living now, finishing up school, and getting a job.

Well, this post has gone on long enough. I'm sure I'll be posting again on a regular basis now that classes are settled and I'm not in a huge battle royale trying to divide my time between photo, animation, caroline, and sleep.

[1] 'new' isn't really true. . . we've been dating for almost a month now
[2] All the time? Hell, last week she joined myself and a few friends in playing the Civilization board game. Kicked our asses, even.
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